So, I have come to realize that I am not really a blogger. Maybe that will change when we actually have a farm and I have more to post about. I do not want to give up on this blog, but I'm not going to promise anything more than periodic updates for the time being.
Here are some things we are excited about right now:
Small Farm conference! Brian got to attend the small farm conference in Columbia, Missiouri. He had a fantastic time there. The seasoned farmers he met were great. He got a lot of good advice and some much needed encouragement. He also met and heard from some of his favorite authors: Joel Salatin, Greg Judy and Kelly Klober!
Food, Inc. We watched this movie a while ago for date night. We especially liked the part with Brian's farming hero- Joel Salatin. Definitely worth watching. I think it is also empowering to consumers. When you buy things, you are casting a vote. If you don't like how things are made/what they contain...Don't buy it!
Nourishing Traditions This cookbook is AWESOME! I have run out of renewals for it at the library, so we are just going to buy it. We've tried a number of meals and have enjoyed all of them; the book is a wealth of information.
A visit to the land We went out to the land to look around and measure the road frontage. We had a very enjoyable visit. Right now Brian is thinking he wants to start out with some Spanish goats followed by pigs to work on creating pasture. The land is very wooded, and some parts are pretty thick with underbrush.
Measuring Road Frontage |
Hiking around on the land |
Cute picture of Henry |
The All Local Market We have been going to the All Local Market in Columbia to buy grass- fed beef, chicken, and pork. We love going there and supporting the local farmers, and Brian enjoys talking with the farmers if he can get a chance. There have been a lot of people every time we have gone. There is a big demand for healthy local food.
Slaughtering our chicken We came home from vacation at the end of September to find out that our chicken was a boy. We were really excited about having eggs, but instead we had chicken salad. Brian was really the star of the show. I just helped hold things and pluck feathers. The chicken was tasty, and we feel the slaughtering process would get better with experience. I have to say that I can understand how the Native Americans felt when they would thank the animals for the food they would provide. It is such a completely different experience eating an animal you felt connected to. I was very grateful to it, and the thought of just wasting any part of it seemed ungrateful.
One thing we are not particularly excited about:
Our house is still on the market. The market isn't all that great so we are trying to be patient, but we are really excited about getting started with everything.
So that's what we have been up to. Until next time.........