Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring means.....

....spending time in the backyard!  How to enjoy a beautiful spring evening:

First, chase away the annoying food stealing cat.


Second, spread out a blanket.

Third, don't forget the baby!


Fourth, bring out the stuff for Our Favorite Hot Dogs.

Some important things to remember:

Do not at any cost forget your sticks!

Please keep your cat away from the food (do not confuse with above mentioned cat).

Kind of check....

The End!

If you want to take your hot dog to the next level, follow the recipe for Our Favorite Hot dogs.  We started out trying a Chicago style dog and just kept going from there.

Our Favorite Hot Dogs
Hebrew National Hot dogs (no if, ands, or butts)
Hoagie size roll
Pickle Spears
Tomato slices
Diced Onion
Mustard (Brian only)
Jalapeno slices (Brian only)

Put everything together and enjoy.

Note: We thought we would try to include some non-farm related posts about our family in the blog.  Mostly because we figure that is of most interest to the people currently viewing the blog, and we realize our farm related news is not especially riveting right now.  Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. So I thought I commented, but then it never showed up so I'm going to try again, haha! I love how you write, you're so funny! That looks like such a fun evening, and now I want some hot dogs...hmm, what should I fix for dinner tonight?? :)
